Freemasen.com A blog about technology with some utilities for added fun -
lua-comment-stripper -
plam-event -
tokio-actor-presentation (WIP!) An Mdbook about the tokio actor pattern -
luminary A toy compiler for Lua -
resume-tui My resume (or yours) as a TUI application -
atomizer A terminal Atom feed reader -
nba-numbers Ever been curious about why one player might wear a number? -
barbell-calculator -
git-presentation WIP presentation on my git usage -
pl-weight-helper A simple web page for calculating lifts based on how a previous lift went. -
meh Rust library for interacting with the meh.com API -
healthTracker Angular TS PWA for tracking food intake and biometrics over time -
has-the-ground-frozen Utility to see if the ground has frozen -
five_three_one A Utility for generating 5/3/1 weightlifting plans -
webcam-loopback A Github hosted static site that will simply show you your web cam. -
wasm_tutorial A project used for a meetup talk about getting started with rust & wasm -
rbr-wasmer Presentation at Rust Belt Rust about web assembly plugins for rust -
wasi-promise Presentation about the promise of wasm outside of the web -
rpg_manager A DnD 5e Character Generator/Manager -
wiredforge-wasmer-plugin-code Code Samples for Wasmer Plugin Series -
parsers_presentation A presentation on parser libraries in rust -
luxure An HTTP Server framework for Lua -
luncheon HTTP types for Lua -
lustre Websockets for cosock -
cosock A coroutine runtime for native luasocket code -
cosock-book Detailed guide to cosock -
rusty-ecma-book How to use the Rusty ECMAScript Scanner/Syntax Analyzer -
rusty-ecma.com Website for the Rusty Ecma libraries