
A good place to start when learning to use nom is the named! macro, this macro will create a function for you with a specific name and behavior. named! takes two arguments, the first is the function's name, this needs to include 2 generic arguments, the second is the function's body. This can be a little difficult to get used to but it isn't too much of a pain. The generic arguments provided with the name define the data type of the argument and return type respectively.

This is already starting to feel difficult to explain, I will re-iterate one last time that the learning curve for nom is pretty steep.

Just like with our grammar, let's start at the bottom and move up. The first named! entry we have in that direction is called float, which takes CompleteStr and returns f32.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(float<CompleteStr, f32>,
    map_res!(take_while1!(digit), parse_float)

The second argument is two nested macro calls. To help understand this conceptually here is a very loose interpretation of what this might look like as a function.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn float(i: CompleteStr) -> Result<f32, Error> {
    map_res!(take_while1!(i, digit), parse_float)

While the above is an extreme simplification, I hope it illustrates what is going on when we use the named! macro.

To dig into the function body a little, we are using macros provided by nom, the first is map_res! which takes two arguments. The first argument is going to be a parser, this will capture some portion of the input, the second argument is a function that will take the result of the first argument's parsing and return a Result. The basic idea here is that we are going to map the output of a parser with the function, since the function might fail map_res! will convert the function's error case into a nom error. The first argument is take_while1!, another nom macro, this takes a function that takes 1 argument, this argument needs to be the smallest part of the input which for this would be a char the function then needs to return a boolean, indicating if that char matches what we are expecting. To flesh that our a little we should probably cover the two helper functions we are using digit and parse_float.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn digit(c: char) -> bool {
    c.is_digit(10) || c == '.'

fn parse_float(s: CompleteStr) -> Result<f32, ::std::num::ParseFloatError> {

If we had the input 111.111H, we would first use take_while1 to pass each character to digit.

1 1 1 . 1 1 1 H

that would leave us with 111.111, this would get passed along to parse_float, which would just call the parse method on &str. Since the parse method returns a result, this would work for the requirement of map_res!. Now that we have a way to parse the number part of our number + letter pairs, we can move on to the next use of named!.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(duration_part<CompleteStr, (f32, CompleteStr)>,
        value: float >>
        flag: take!(1) >>
        (value, flag)

Here we have defined duration_part this will take us from a CompleteStr to a tuple with the type (f32, CompleteStr), it does this by using the do_parse! macro. do_parse! is our primary way to declare a parsing pipeline, we provide it with a list of parsers and the remaining input should be applied to them in order. Here we see the use of a couple of custom syntax items. The first is how we store a parser's result in a variable, we do that by putting the variable name and a colon before the parser (value: float). The second bit of custom syntax is the >> operator, this essentially means, "and then". To break down what we are doing here, first we are using the float parser defined above, once done with that pass any remaining input on to the parser take!, which doesn't look at the input, just takes the number of characters requested, in our case 1.

At this point, you may be asking yourself "why does take! need to be called but float doesn't?", that is a great question. One of the things that is hardest to get used to is that all of the nom macros return functions, not values. To break this down a little take! doesn't return the character, it returns a function that returns the character, it might look something like this.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn take(i: CompleteStr) -> Result<CompleteStr, Error> {
    if i.len() >= 1 {
    } else {

That means the result of take! can be called, just like the float. To put it another way, we are not parsing the input, instead we are building a parser out of other parsers that will parse the input.

To finish the explanation of this do_parse!, the last step in any use of do_parse! we need to have a tuple, this will be the return value, for us that is the tuple of (value, flag) which is of type (f32, CompleteStr).

At this point we should be able to parse a duration's smallest part. Now we need to figure out how to get that into our DurationPart enum. Then next item moving up the file is the helper function combine_duration_part.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn combine_duration_part(value: f32, flag: CompleteStr, is_time: bool) -> DurationPart {
    match *flag {
        "Y" => DurationPart::Years(value),
        "M" => if is_time {
        } else {
        "W" => DurationPart::Weeks(value),
        "D" => DurationPart::Days(value),
        "H" => DurationPart::Hours(value),
        "S" => DurationPart::Seconds(value),
        _ => unreachable!()

This is going to take in the two parts the f32 value and the flag as well as a third argument to indicate if an M means minutes or months.

We are going to use this as we are building the two halves. The function itself is relatively simple, just a match statement on the flag, matching the appropriate letter to the duration part.

As we move up the file, we have two more named! macros date_part and time_part.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(date_part<CompleteStr, DurationPart>,
        part: duration_part >>
        (combine_duration_part(part.0, part.1, false))

named!(time_part<CompleteStr, DurationPart>,
        part: duration_part >>
        (combine_duration_part(part.0, part.1, true))

These are almost identical, essentially they use the duration_part to get first two arguments of combine_duration_part, it then provides the appropriate value for the third.

As we continue up we have a named! item to parse the time_parts,

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(time_parts<CompleteStr, Vec<DurationPart>>,
        tag!("T") >>
        time_parts: many_m_n!(1, 3, time_part) >>

Here we have another call to do_parse! the first item here is is a call to tag!, another nom macro. This one simply recognizes whatever string you provide to it. In our case we are matching against the T that would begin the time section. It then moves on to another provided macro many_m_n!, this one takes three arguments, the first is the minimum number of times you expect something, the second is the maximum number of times you expect something, and the third is what you expect. In our case we expect a time_part at least 1 time, up to 3 times. We are going to assign the result of that to the variable time_parts, this value will be a Vec<DurationPart>. Since the last item in do_parse! needs to be a tuple, we wrap time_parts in parentheses.

Up next is another helper function, combine_duration_parts

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn combine_duration_parts(date_parts: Option<Vec<DurationPart>>, time_parts: Option<Vec<DurationPart>>) -> Duration {
    let mut duration = Duration::new();
    for part in date_parts.unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter().chain(time_parts.unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter()) {
        match part {
            DurationPart::Years(value) => duration.set_years(*value),
            DurationPart::Months(value) => duration.set_months(*value),
            DurationPart::Weeks(value) => duration.set_weeks(*value),
            DurationPart::Days(value) => duration.set_days(*value),
            DurationPart::Hours(value) => duration.set_hours(*value),
            DurationPart::Minutes(value) => duration.set_minutes(*value),
            DurationPart::Seconds(value) => duration.set_seconds(*value),

This takes in two Option<Vec<DurationPart>>, the first will represent the date part and the second will represent the time part of our duration. Again this helper is mostly straight forward, it loops over both, sets of parts (if they exist) and adds them all up into a Duration.

Our last named! is the final step for combining all of our previous work.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
named!(duration<CompleteStr, Duration>,
        tag!("P") >>
        date_parts: opt!(many_m_n!(1, 4, date_part)) >>
        time_parts: opt!(time_parts) >>
        (combine_duration_parts(date_parts, time_parts))

Again we start with a do_parse!, this one begins with a tag! for the first letter P, we pass the rest on to another nom macor opt!, this converts a standard parser into a one that returns an Option, we pass the first one another many_m_n! that will generate a Vec<DurationPart> with a length from one to four, assigning the result to a variable date_parts. It then passes the remainder of the text to another opt!, this one around time_parts and assigns the result to a variable of the same name. Now we have the two Option<Vec<DurationPart>>s that we need to pass them along to the combine_duration_parts helper function.

With all that we have finally built a nom parser that would take in our duration string and return a Duration. You will notice in the parse function that we actually call the last named! item manually providing the argument. nom parsers always return a Result, the Ok case for this result is going to be a tuple, the first index will be the remainder of the input, the second will be a Duration.

You can find the whole parser file below.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
extern crate duration;
extern crate nom;
use nom::types::CompleteStr;
use duration::Duration;
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Duration, String> {
    let pair = duration(s.into()).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;

named!(duration<CompleteStr, Duration>,
        tag!("P") >>
        date_parts: opt!(many_m_n!(1, 4, date_part)) >>
        time_parts: opt!(time_parts) >>
        (combine_duration_parts(date_parts, time_parts))

fn combine_duration_parts(date_parts: Option<Vec<DurationPart>>, time_parts: Option<Vec<DurationPart>>) -> Duration {
    let mut duration = Duration::new();
    for part in date_parts.unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter().chain(time_parts.unwrap_or(Vec::new()).iter()) {
        match part {
            DurationPart::Years(value) => duration.set_years(*value),
            DurationPart::Months(value) => duration.set_months(*value),
            DurationPart::Weeks(value) => duration.set_weeks(*value),
            DurationPart::Days(value) => duration.set_days(*value),
            DurationPart::Hours(value) => duration.set_hours(*value),
            DurationPart::Minutes(value) => duration.set_minutes(*value),
            DurationPart::Seconds(value) => duration.set_seconds(*value),

named!(time_parts<CompleteStr, Vec<DurationPart>>,
        tag!("T") >>
        time_parts: many_m_n!(1, 3, time_part) >>

named!(date_part<CompleteStr, DurationPart>,
        part: duration_part >>
        (combine_duration_part(part.0, part.1, false))

named!(time_part<CompleteStr, DurationPart>,
        part: duration_part >>
        (combine_duration_part(part.0, part.1, true))

fn combine_duration_part(value: f32, flag: CompleteStr, is_time: bool) -> DurationPart {
    match *flag {
        "Y" => DurationPart::Years(value),
        "M" => if is_time {
        } else {
        "W" => DurationPart::Weeks(value),
        "D" => DurationPart::Days(value),
        "H" => DurationPart::Hours(value),
        "S" => DurationPart::Seconds(value),
        _ => unreachable!()

named!(duration_part<CompleteStr, (f32, CompleteStr)>,
        value: float >>
        flag: take!(1) >>
        (value, flag)

named!(float<CompleteStr, f32>,
    map_res!(take_while1!(digit), parse_float)

fn digit(c: char) -> bool {
    c.is_digit(10) || c == '.'

fn parse_float(s: CompleteStr) -> Result<f32, ::std::num::ParseFloatError> {

Now for a demo!