Combine (revisited)
I wanted to revisit combine
, while the original works, I was able to create an implementation that is actually faster than nom
's. Doing so required quite a bit of additional work in understanding how the "zero-copy" tools in combine
work. In truth I still haven't been able to figure out how the type annotations need to be set for this implementation to work, instead each parser is assigned to a variable inside of a function body. With the following implementation the combine
parser, the whole set of benchmarks are:
- Learning Curve gets steeper
- Performance gets better
crate | parse 1 (+/-) | parse 1000 (+/-) | build time | bin size |
combine | 893.00ns (37.00ns) | 1.17s (73.91ms) | 25.41s | 723.99 kb |
nom | 1.33ms (69.00ns) | 833.53ms (37.55ms) | 10.66s | 727.08 kb |
pest | 3.66ms (342.00ns) | 3.89s (279.92ms) | 31.31s | 767.86 kb |
hand_rolled | 694.00ns (93.00ns) | 551.86ms (77.66ms) | 10.81s | 718.87 kb |
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { extern crate duration; use duration::{Duration, DurationPart}; extern crate combine; use combine::{ optional, Parser, range::recognize, parser::{ item::item, byte::digit, repeat::{ skip_many, skip_many1 }, repeat::skip_count, }, error::UnexpectedParse, }; pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Duration, String> { let value = || { recognize(( skip_many1(digit()), optional(( item(b'.'), skip_many(digit()) )), )) .and_then(|bs: &[u8]| { let s = ::std::str::from_utf8(bs).map_err(|_| UnexpectedParse::Unexpected)?; s.parse::<f32>().map_err(|_| UnexpectedParse::Unexpected) }) }; let pair = |time: bool| { ( value(), combine::parser::item::any() ).and_then(move |(v, c): (f32, u8)| { let part = match c { b'Y' => DurationPart::Years(v), b'M' => if time { DurationPart::Minutes(v) } else { DurationPart::Months(v) }, b'W' => DurationPart::Weeks(v), b'D' => DurationPart::Days(v), b'H' => DurationPart::Hours(v), b'S' => DurationPart::Seconds(v), _ => return Err(UnexpectedParse::Unexpected) }; Ok(part) }) }; let date_part = combine::count(4, pair(false)).map(|p: Vec<DurationPart>| p); let time_part = skip_count(1, item(b'T')).and(combine::count(3, pair(true))).map(|(_, p): (_, Vec<DurationPart>)| p); let mut duration = skip_count(1, item(b'P')).and(date_part).and(time_part).map(|((_, d), t): ((_, std::vec::Vec<DurationPart>), std::vec::Vec<DurationPart>)| (d, t)); let ((date_parts, time_parts), rem): ((Vec<DurationPart>, Vec<DurationPart>), &[u8]) = duration.parse(s.as_bytes()).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; if rem.len() > 0 { return Err(format!("did not parse full string provided {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(rem))); } let mut ret = Duration::new(); for part in date_parts.iter().chain(time_parts.iter()) { match part { DurationPart::Years(v) => ret.set_years(*v), DurationPart::Months(v) => ret.set_months(*v), DurationPart::Weeks(v) => ret.set_weeks(*v), DurationPart::Days(v) => ret.set_days(*v), DurationPart::Hours(v) => ret.set_hours(*v), DurationPart::Minutes(v) => ret.set_minutes(*v), DurationPart::Seconds(v) => ret.set_seconds(*v), } } Ok(ret) } #}